The P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Deal: Implementation of IAEA Monitoring and Sanctions Relief
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On July 16, 2015 the Arms Control Association and The Lugar Center hosted a private, off-the-record dinner discussion to review aspects of the P5+1 (China, France, Germany, Russia, the United States and the United Kingdom) and Iran comprehensive nuclear agreement. At this dinner, speakers Richard Nephew, former principal deputy coordinator for sanctions policy at the Department of State, and Thomas E. Shea, former twenty-four year veteran of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s Department of Safeguards, discussed the implementation of IAEA monitoring and sanctions relief under the deal.
Shea began the discussion by talking about some of the key verification terms Iran had agreed to in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Shea identified five main domains of interest for IAEA verification. First, clandestine facilities or undeclared nuclear material that may support nuclear weapon related activities. Second, confirmation that declared peaceful nuclear facilities are used solely for peaceful activities. Third, confirmation that declared nuclear materials are not diverted for the manufacture of nuclear weapons. Fourth, confirmation that Iran does not import equipment or material except as provided in the agreement. And finally, confirmation that the terms of the July 14th agreement are not breached.
Nephew continued the discussion by laying out the timeline that the P5+1 and Iran agreed to in terms of sanctions relief. Nephew discussed some of the key milestones laid out in the agreement. From there, Nephew listed the different kinds of sanctions which are going to be modified—UN sanctions, EU sanctions, and U.S. sanctions—as well as the time frame anticipated for these sanctions to be lifted. He closed his address by discussing how sanctions would be snapped back into place should Iran violate the terms of the JCPOA.
- Richard Nephew, Former Principal Deputy Coordinator for Sanction Policy, Department of State, former Director for Iran, National Security Council Staff, and current Program Director of Economic Statecraft, Sanctions and Energy Markets, Columbia University.
- "Commentary on the Nuclear Deal between Iran and the P5+1," Richard Nephew, Columbia University's Center on Global Energy Policy, July 14, 2015.
- Thomas E. Shea, twenty-four year veteran of the IAEA's Department of Safeguards, and former Head for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation programs, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
- "The Verification Challenge: Iran and the IAEA," Thomas E. Shea, Arms Control Today, June 2015.
Source: Arms Control Association
This project is funded in part by the European Union.