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Showing 2 posts from March 2019.

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A Big Surge in GOP Senate Bipartisanship: A Trump Effect?

The latest results from the Lugar Center’s Bipartisan Index show an unexpected finding: in the last Congress, the bipartisan scores of Republicans, especially in the Senate, showed a marked increase. In fact, more than 75 percent of Senate Republicans in the 115th Congress (2017-18) who had served in a previous Congress achieved their highest-ever Bipartisan Index scores. That means that during the past two years, these Senators acted in a more bipartisan fashion, as measured by the Index, than they had previously in their careers.... Read More

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Global Corruption is a Threat to U.S. National Security

The massive corruption, especially in oil and other natural resources, in many developing countries has created, in effect, “kleptocratic states,” who threaten U.S. national security directly by breeding terrorism, and indirectly by prompting mass migrations of people and undermining democracy worldwide.... Read More

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