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Showing 3 posts from March 2018.

In International Development: Imitation is, Indeed, the Sincerest Form of Flattery

When Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s dismissal was announced, he delivered brief farewell remarks at the Department. In the media much was made of the fact that Mr. Tillerson neither thanked President Trump nor praised him. In fact, the Secretary did not utter his boss’s name.... Read More

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Kudos to OMB for Strong Evaluation Guidelines, What’s Next for Implementation?

As mandated by the bipartisan Foreign Aid Transparency and Accountability Act of 2016 (FATAA; P.L. 114-191), last month the White House’s Office of Management and Budget (OMB) issued guidance to foreign aid agencies regarding the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of assistance programs.... Read More

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The Time Really is Now to Modernize U.S. Food Aid Policy

 For decades, the Food for Peace program has been a pillar of America’s worldwide efforts to prevent hunger and starvation and bring stability to the developing world. Supported by the productivity and hard work of America’s farmers--and the generosity of the American people--Food for Peace has helped more than four billion people in 150 countries.... Read More

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