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Showing 2 posts from October 2017.

Getting Comfortable with the “T-word:” at USAID, a Focus on Transitioning Countries

Amidst the general approbation that accompanied Ambassador Mark Green’s arrival at USAID to serve as Administrator, there appears to be one dark cloud on the horizon. Some in the development community are deeply concerned about Administrator Green’s endorsement of “strategic transitions,” in which USAID works its way out of a job and, in one form or another, ends U.S. foreign aid to the transitioning country.... Read More

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Putting Senator Lugar’s Global Food Security Vision to Work in Liberia

Last year our Global Food Security team was contacted by the Lugar Series, a political leadership development program, Class of 2016 informing us that in choosing their class project, they wanted to focus on a topic that would reflect Senator Lugar’s legacy in addressing the plight of hungry people across the globe.

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