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Archived Blog Posts
Showing 2 posts from June 2013.

The New U. S.-Russia Nunn-Lugar CTR Agreement
Almost 27 years ago, in the summer of 1986, President Ronald Reagan asked a bipartisan group of United States Senate leaders to attend meetings in Geneva, Switzerland. His hope was that formal negotiations between the former Soviet Union and the United States would commence and perhaps lead to a treaty on nuclear arms reduction that would come before the United States Senate for ratification and require a two-thirds majority vote. Formal arms control negotiations did not commence that year, and Senator Sam Nunn and I took the opportunity in subsequent years during visits to Europe to stay in touch with Russians we had met in Washington or during travels in Russia.... Read More

Senator Lugar Participates in a Panel Discussion on the Middle East at the Panetta Institute
Last week I participated in a panel discussion hosted by the Panetta Institute for Public Policy in Monterey, California. The topic of the discussion was, “Middle East Turmoil: Chaos or Reform?”, and I was joined onstage by Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Former Senator Joe Lieberman, and Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.... Read More