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Archived Blog Posts
Showing 10 posts from 2013.

Common Ground on the Iran Nuclear Deal
With the announcement of a first phase nuclear deal with Iran just before Thanksgiving, think tanks, academic institutions, and government offices alike sprung into action. The week of December 9th,, almost every national security-focused organization in Washington, D.C. held an event on Iran. Although I was coordinating The Lugar Center’s own Iran event last week, I made time to attend five others.... Read More
Biotechnology at the 2013 World Food Prize
Last week I attended The World Food Prize in Des Moines, Iowa. Established in 1986 as a vision of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Dr. Norman Borlaug, The World Food Prize recognizes “the achievements of individuals who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity or availability of food in the world.”... Read More

The End of CIDA and AusAID – The Disconcerting Demise of Aid Agencies
In just a six month period we have learned that two respected aid agencies will be merged into their foreign affairs ministries. There are varying opinions on whether this represents innovation or setback and, therefore it’s worth looking at the motivations and possible implications for U.S. aid agencies. My fear is that effectiveness is being sacrificed on the altar of efficiency.... Read More

Lessons for the Next QDDR
This article originally was posted on the Center for Strategic and International Studies website here.
It’s hard to believe that it’s been two and a half years since the first Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review (QDDR) was released to much fanfare in December 2010. Yet, since the final product was a year and a half in the making, it’s time to begin the process anew. As Secretary of State John Kerry and his team prepare to make decisions regarding whether and how to repeat the effort, here are five lessons we took from the last go-round:... Read More

The New U. S.-Russia Nunn-Lugar CTR Agreement
Almost 27 years ago, in the summer of 1986, President Ronald Reagan asked a bipartisan group of United States Senate leaders to attend meetings in Geneva, Switzerland. His hope was that formal negotiations between the former Soviet Union and the United States would commence and perhaps lead to a treaty on nuclear arms reduction that would come before the United States Senate for ratification and require a two-thirds majority vote. Formal arms control negotiations did not commence that year, and Senator Sam Nunn and I took the opportunity in subsequent years during visits to Europe to stay in touch with Russians we had met in Washington or during travels in Russia.... Read More

Senator Lugar Participates in a Panel Discussion on the Middle East at the Panetta Institute
Last week I participated in a panel discussion hosted by the Panetta Institute for Public Policy in Monterey, California. The topic of the discussion was, “Middle East Turmoil: Chaos or Reform?”, and I was joined onstage by Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, Former Senator Joe Lieberman, and Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak.... Read More

Senator Lugar reflects on his recent trip to Korea
Last week I was pleased to be the keynote speaker at the annual JoongAng Ilbo-CSIS Forum in Seoul, South Korea. This forum was an important moment for U.S. policymakers, thought leaders, and foreign policy experts to engage with their South Korean counterparts on new opportunities for the bilateral relationship and new ways to address common challenges. This year’s conference focused on the problems associated with North Korea.... Read More

Lugar Announces Exciting New Venture
I want you to be among the first to know the exciting news of the establishment of The Lugar Center. It is my goal that The Lugar Center will be dedicated to solving 21st Century problems by educating the public, policymakers and future leaders on critical issues. We plan to accomplish these goals by providing timely policy proposals and discussion of remedies that transcend the politics of the moment.... Read More

Is This the Time to Reform our Country’s Food Assistance Programs?
Reform in our country’s food assistance processes and responsiveness deserves a fair hearing so that taxpayers’ dollars may be used most efficiently to feed the greatest numbers of hungry people, especially those in crisis.... Read More

Welcome to the Lugar Center
I am very pleased to announce a new venture – The Lugar Center – a non-profit organization devoted to finding solutions and proposing policies on issues that I have worked on for decades – including nuclear non-proliferation, global food security, and foreign aid effectiveness.... Read More